Speech Therapy

Does your child have difficulty being understood when speaking to others?

Does your child produce a word differently each time they say it?

Does your child have to repeat themselves over and over during a conversation?

Does your child have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds?

I treat the following speech disorders: 

Articulation Disorder  

Phonological Disorder

Articulation and Phonological Disorders are speech sound disorders. 

An articulation disorder is when a child has difficulty producing single sounds that are developmentally appropriate for their age. For example a child may produce “wabbit” for “rabbit”. 

A phonological disorder is when a child has difficulty utilizing sound patterns appropriately. The child can make the single sound when prompted but is unable to produce the sound pattern. For example, a child may be able to say the speech sound “k” correctly but they produce “tat” for “cat”.

Whether a child presents with an articulation disorder or a phonological disorder, speech intelligibility can be greatly impacted and appropriate treatment is necessary to address these challenges. Intervention strategies will vary depending on the speech sound disorder present. 

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