Language THerapy/Parent Coaching

Does your child have difficulty playing with toys?

Are they able to demonstrate pretend play?

Are they able to follow directions or label everyday objects?

Are you concerned about a language delay?

Does your child have difficulty with reading, writing, and spelling in academics?

Does your child have difficulty with responding to others, body language, eye contact, discussing emotions and feelings, staying on topic, taking turns, or asking relevant questions?

I treat the following language disorders: 

Late Talkers/Language Delay

Expressive Language Disorder 

Receptive Language Disorder 

Language-based Learning Disabilities

Social Communication Disorder/Pragmatics

Expressive language refers to the expression of verbal or written language and receptive language refers to the understanding of language. When a child has an expressive or receptive language delay or disorder, they may have difficulty with one or multiple of the five language domains (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics).  Each domain will be thoroughly assessed during an evaluation to identify areas requiring treatment.

Social communication and pragmatics are the social rules or purposes within a conversation. Treatment will address conversational skills and reading facial expressions.


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